Six surprising SEO trends from Google and the experts


Are you looking to increase your business ranking on Google? Here are the top 6 SEO trends from SEO Firm India that help you achieve your business’s rank.

However, as we know, Googles’ introduces it to help organizations in a general way through SEO, and it seems like Google’s quite open about where the hunt is going.

To get rank in Google, you need to follow algorithms that help Google to crawl each website page for better traffic on your site. To enhance overall business, the business website positioning matters, and to gain more visibility, your organization needs a Local SEO Agency in India.

There are various steps to follow while doing SEO. However, you can hire an SEO Company in Ahmedabad to guide you or work on your behalf to gain attention and a high rank on search engines.

Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to enhance any business. Website development plays a big role where SEO is the key to making your site user-friendly.

Using keyword research for consumer intelligence :  

As we know, important SEO is, and there comes the keyword research part. For on-page SEO, you need to research the right keywords to get more visibility.

But the question that arises here is How keyword research is the most trustworthy source of consumer and market insights?

Lets’ see some brand examples that are remarkable in the market due to the keywords they used.

  • McDonald’s spent $300 million to build an “adult burger” in reply to customer feedback, which they finally discontinued and identified as a failure.
  • On the other hand, Walmart decluttered its rocks based on consumer reviews and lost $1.85 billion.

If we go in-depth research, we can explain why consumers aren’t always completely honest in surveys. Let’s see how:

  • Customers may want to sound superior to the guy or girl next to them.
  • They may try to fit into the social norm. So, they can be too polite to tell you your idea, product, or service sucks.
  • They aren’t even dishonest on purpose, but they may fail to answer when asked about the product upfront.

As per our observation, ‘most’ is the keyword here. As per Tony Verre from DreamFire, their answers are just genuine portions of the time —, the best-case scenario.

In any circumstances, before we proceed onward to how about, we make things clear with the what. What are those ‘noteworthy experiences’?

To begin with, they are answers to the most asked queries for each advertiser and business visionary.

  • What are the requirements would they say they are illuminating with products like yours?
  • What issues are individuals looking for in your industry?
  • What disturbs them most about your competitors?
 AMP is Google’s next big thing 

Accelerated Mobile Pages, i.e., AMP, is an open-source project by Google that helps webmasters create fast mobile web pages. AMP includes three parts: AMP HTML, AMP JS, and AMP Cache.

AMP is launched by Google into the search results this February for some queries, but we expect it to affect more searches soon.

With AMP, Google is looking to solve two major problems:

  • The bad user experience on mobile due to slow loading pages.
  • The increasing use of ad blockers on mobile devices.

Google accepts that an ever-increasing number of mobile clients decide on ad blockers because the pages with advertisements load slowly. Similarly, distributors, promoters, and Google itself aren’t getting similar income from ads they used to.

At first, webmasters were suspicious about AMP as it appeared to be too prohibitive to even think about achieving most sites’ motivations.

The greatest concern was that JavaScript fundamentally wasn’t permitted in any way.

So, presently AMP has what Paul Shapiro from Catalyst calls a “sorcery expanded segment,” amp-iframe, that lets you do great things with your accelerated pages:

  • Web forms to generate lead or other purposes,
  • Some unsupported ad formats,
  • Videos via players not supported by AMP,
  • Third-party JavaScript,
  • Embedded comment systems,
  • Interactive visualizations/charts,
  • Pop-ups notification.
 Voice search and the huge future of SEO

Back in 2015, research was held where it was found that users are more searching on phones and tablets rather than on desktop. But the question here is, In what way is it related to SEOs?

Users are more comfortable with voice search, and it shows tremendous results. And Google announces a lot about its increasing focus on mobile and mobile users who are using voice search at the most.

SEO Firm India shows that semantic context and conversational search is used often and getting bigger than before.

And SEO helps websites and applications to be user-friendly. It is much more than going mobile-friendly.

As per the Google reports, 55% of youngsters and 40% of adults use voice search every day. And this result shows the logic that the amount of voice search is growing so fast, and it is unstoppable such as “speech.”

Speech is often used, and here comes the importance of voice search where the concept may seem a little sci-fi-ish at first. But various reasons prove that search shouldn’t be shifting away from typing.

  • Voice search is faster than comparing to other inquiries,
  • It is frequently used because it is hands-free,
  • It works well with the current speech recognition, where the word error rate is 8 percent.

We’ve been saying goodbye to short-tail keywords on over-advanced pages since the Hummingbird dispatch in 2013. Still, voice search makes careful match keywords of past times for good.

Second, it’s crucial to know that an individual using a voice search has different goals. Normally, they’re expecting to find active solutions to their queries or satisfy an immediate need.

It indicates you’ll have to consider the queries your customers may have and sort out active, mobile-friendly approaches to offer them the responses.

 The AI revolution: how RankBrain is shaking up the SERPs

RankBrain is known as the third most important factor in its ranking algorithm, as per Google’s news.

Google is popular for its relentless persistence to furnish the searchers with the definitive list of products, and we help with one of the new things that encourage them to accomplish that.

At Divine SEO, we are a full-fledged digital marketing firm that picks the most effective methodology for your business ranking to show at the highest point of the SERP dependent.

SEOs accept that RankBrain takes a gander at a wide range of logical features on pages that surface for random queries to sort out the relevancy.

  • It gives each outcome a significance score dependent on the presence of nonattendance of those highlights.
  • It is important to comprehend that those features are diverse for every catchphrase, so there’s no widespread product list to add to your pages to make RankBrain.

You need to take a gander at your competitors’ pages and attempt to sort out the basic qualities that make up their importance score.

Such features can be in a real sense anything on the page that can positively affect the client experience.

To perceive how RankBrain has affected the search result, Eric Enge and his partners at Stone Temple Consulting investigated 163 inquiries from their stored Google SERPs database.

  • The search result found showed that Google didn’t comprehend the queries,
  • There is a sensible arrangement of products that Google ought to have the option to discover for the question.
 The links of the future are inkless :

If you add backlinks, make sure it is from genuine websites only and not from blackhat sources.

Using dishonest resources may harm your website rather than increasing visibility. Google uses an extremely intelligent system to identify the sources added, so make sure you don’t make your site down.

As backlinks will immediately gash your search ratings, so it is the process you need to follow where other websites link their content to your website.

  • It helps to improve your SEO by increasing your website visibility.
  • Links are important; they will be important as they’ve always been for the website. But, now, along with links, you need to gain reviews as well before adding sources.
  • From digital marketing aspects, you may be doing this earlier for reputation management and brand awareness; now you have to do for SEO.
 It’s official: Google uses click data to rank pages : 

As indicated by Paul, Google uses “measurements” to access and rank searches.

And these metrics can come from human quality ratings and, more importantly, live experiments. Thousands of such investigations are run for Google searches in real-time, at any given second.

Google trades search results returned in light of queries and afterward took a gander at how the change influences the navigate paces of those outcomes.

Once a research process is done, Google will re-rank list items likewise. While Google should not have affirmed utilizing click information to re-rank the indexed lists progressively, they are sure to use it in tests and re-rank the outcomes once the examination is finished.


Search Engine Optimization plays a key role, and it is expected to move away from the philosophy that links and customary indexed lists should be needed for an organic website result.

Although both carry weight, without interest in specialized systems, a local SEO Agency in India can help you to achieve your goal to increase website visibility and high ranking through SEO missions.

The trend of SEO is useful and with a bright future, yet it will require more intelligence strategy than before.

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