13 Crucial WordPress Maintenance Tasks to Perform Regularly


Have you ever gone through WordPress maintenance plans or performing regularly? After starting a blog, users often don’t perform maintenance checks unless something breaks.

By doing maintenance tasks regularly, you can ensure the best performance for your WordPress site.

This article will share 13 crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to perform regularly and how to do each one of them.

Why Perform WordPress Maintenance Tasks

If you have a WordPress website, may you have comprised many parts, that includes:

  • Hosting
  • MySQL database
  • WordPress core
  • Theme
  • Plugins

Fundamentally, you should do a backup of your site when you add new content or any other information, or you can hire WP maintenance support for individuals. With regards to backing up your website, it depends on how frequently it’s refreshed.

And if you add blogs regularly, set your backup to pursue you to distribute another post, once every week.

It’s important to ensure the components and their functioning and update now and then.

Your WordPress site is a fantastic framework that is made of several sections. This includes your WordPress promoting, WordPress programming itself, themes, and plugins.

Also, you can add your content, such as text, infographics, and images. In total, all the information and website content should satisfy and impress visitors.

And, the framework as a whole should be taken care of in ideal execution. There are not many basic support undertakings that you can perform consistently to guarantee that your site is working at its best.

Creating a full backup of your site :

WordPress maintenance plans for your site and regularly taking backup is essential for the website to run smoothly. You can save your WordPress site from any circumstances, and if you have an ongoing with the current backup process, you can generally get your site back ready for action without any problem.

There are various ways you can choose for website backup that includes

  • Inside your facilitating cPanel,
  • Utilizing a module,
  • Physically by downloading your website documents,
  • Sending out your MySQL database.

Most facilitating administrations let you effectively make a backup manually inside your control board. A few have even incorporated programmed backup as a feature of their services.

Various modules let you run both manual and computerized site backup, including BackWPup and UpdraftPlus. Smoothly you can sync backups with DropBox and other cloud-based storage services.

Keeping WordPress, Themes, and Plugins updated :

Inside your dashboard, you can, without much of a stretch, ensure that you are utilizing the most recent WordPress form and that your subject and modules are state-of-the-art too.

You can rapidly check and check whether anything should be updated on the left half of the top service bar. If you are going to use a premium theme or plugin/s, you can easily miss updates.

In such circumstances, you can move to,

Appearance > Themes or Plugins > Installed Plugins and check to ensure that there are no updates required.

You can also track manually for updates by going to Dashboard > Updates at the highest point of the sidebar located over the left side of your WordPress dashboard.

Also Read: Top Tips For WordPress Web Development Security: WordPress Security Guide

Optimizing your WordPress database :

WordPress is known for its user-friendly and CMS. It is database-driven, helping the site drive data and showing all your site content is stored in a MySQL database.

Over the long run, your database may get enlarged with much-unneeded information. This can incorporate data from plugins you once use, make posts and pages, spam remarks, and more.

You need to use the WP-Optimize plugin to pull out the MySQL database in WordPress. Enhancing your MySQL information base will eliminate this undesirable information, which improves information base execution.

Running performance tests :

Your site performance reflects on clients’ decisions. You can run a few tests on your site to perceive how it’s performing and where it very well may be improved.

We have various elements that influence your site performance. It consists of facilitating the subject and plugins you’re using, image sizes, and more. Here the site performance test is GTmetrix.

GTMetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights will exhibit how your site performs and where there is a need for improvement.

Utilize the devices to ensure your site isn’t easy back to such an extent that it bothers your guests and expects clients.

Updating your passwords :

Like every other site registration and account sign-in, a strong password is critical. It would be best if you kept your password secure and your website safe.

Do not forget to make the password long with unique characters long enough not to recognize quickly. Yes, passwords should be complicated as a part of your site, that includes:

  • WordPress dashboard
  • web hosting
  • FTP accounts
  • MySQL database

WordPress security experts suggest changing your passwords and making them secure, so feel free to update when required.

Also Read: How To Get More Organic Traffic On Your Business Website?

Testing all contact forms :

With the help of several contact form plugins for WordPress, including famous decisions, Contact Form 7, and Ninja Forms.

While forms you make should work with no issues, you need to check them now and then.

Now and then, a misconfiguration on your facilitating account or with your email specialist organization may forestall the conveyance of your structure entries.

Round out your structures with sham data to guarantee they’re in working request.

Try not to Do This:

One of the contact structures on my site was not working, and I possibly discovered when a peruser reached me using Twitter to inquire whether I had gotten his structure accommodation.

There was some problem with how the contact structure was arranged, and I didn’t get any entries for a long time. By checking your contact form regularly, you can ensure this DOESN’T occur to you!

Searching for and fixing broken links :

You can utilize the Broken Link Checker module to effortlessly check for any messed-up connections and fix them in one spot. It shows a table with all the broken links and lets you update them by eliminating the contact or altering the URL.

To guarantee a better client experience for your site guests, you should ensure all your site work connections or get the WordPress Support and Maintenance Services.

This incorporates external connections to different destinations, just as the interior connects to pictures, pages, and posts.

For a long time, sources you once referred to and connected to in your substance may stop to exist. They could likewise move to different URLs or domains.

-> You should regularly check the broken links on your site as a feature of your site support.

Deleting spam comments :

If you allow comments on your website pages or blogs, you will likely utilize Akismet to battle comment spam. While it, by and large, works admirably at spam comments, it doesn’t erase them. It simply means to erase comments spam in WordPress

After you have checked for any genuine comments by clients, you can mass delete the entirety of your spam remarks by going to Comments in the left-hand sidebar of your WordPress dashboard.

At that time, don’t forget to check the spam connect at the top. Next, you can feature all the remarks by denoting the table’s checkbox close to the Author.

At last, select Delete Permanently from the dropdown and snap the Apply button. There’s no reason to keep the spam comments on site which are no longer useful, so experience them now and search for authentic comments.

Redirecting 404 errors :

When your WordPress site visitors demand a page on your site which doesn’t exist, they will be indicated a 404 error page. Add redirection for slide errors.

While this won’t affect your site’s SEO, it isn’t ideal for the client experience. Likewise, with broken connections, you need to ensure that everything works appropriately on your site.

It’s significant that you track 404 blunders and divert them, so your clients aren’t left hanging. You can undoubtedly discover the entirety of your site’s 404 mistakes utilizing Google Search Console.

To discover all your 404 mistakes, do the accompanying:

  • Sign in to Google Search Console
  • Inclusion in Google Search Console
  • Snap the Error tab at the upper left of the page and check for any mistakes.
  • Under Index in the left sidebar, click Coverage.
  • Mistake tab in Google Search Console
  • 404 blunder in Google Search Console
  • Search for any errors with the sort Submitted URL not found (404).

At the same time, you need to click on the column to see if the URL is redirecting to a 404 error or not.

Now, make a list of every 404 error URLs on your site, and afterward, you can set up diverts on your WordPress site utilizing the Redirection page.

To begin with, sign in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New. Discover the Redirection plugin; at that point, introduce and enact it.

Next in the line, you have to go to Tools > Redirection in the left sidebar. Adding a divert in WordPress utilizing the redirection plugin.

In the Source URL field, enter the relative URL (without the https://yoursite.com part) of your page or post, restoring a 404 error. In the Target URL zone, enter the full URL to divert the messed up URL.

Under the dropdown in Group, pick Redirections, and snap the Add Redirect button. Repeat the above process for all your 404 error pages, and you can redirect all pages.

Clearing your WordPress cache :

Storing your WordPress site is probably the most straightforward approach to improve execution for your site guests. Cleanse All Caches in W3 Total Cache

What is caching? Reserving is the way toward making static variants of your site content. Since static pages are delivered rapidly in programs, secured pages will build your site execution.

While caching your site is essential, you’ll have to clear your reserve now and again. Reserving modules make it excessively simple to remove your store. The following are directions for a couple of them.

In WordPress, getting and delivering site content expects questions to and from a MySQL information base, which hinders your site. Make static duplicates of your posts and pages, and serve that to your guests.

WP Super Cache – Using this module, you can clear your reserve by going to Settings > WP Super Cache in your dashboard’s left sidebar. At that point, click the Delete Cache button in the Delete Cached Pages segment.

W3 Total Cache – Here, there are two or three alternatives for clearing your store. You can essentially go to the Performance connect at the highest point of your dashboard and select Purge All Caches.

Then again, you can go to Performance in the left sidebar and snap-on Dashboard. You can tap the vacant all stores button at the highest point of the page on this page.

WP Fastest Cache – With this module, snap on WP Fastest Cache in the left sidebar of your dashboard. Go to the Delete Cache tab at the highest point of the settings page; at that point, click the Delete Cache button close to the base.

Deleting page and post drafts :

Over a long time, trash may gather on your WordPress site. For the same, you can use a specific page and post drafts that have never been distributed and dwell in your trash. You need to delete draft posts in WordPress.

This unwanted garbage can hinder your site regularly. So, it is ideal for keeping your WordPress dashboard and site liberated from the mess.

Every once in a while, it’s a smart thought to erase any unneeded pages or posts from your site’s rubbish.

To erase posts in your junk, go to Posts > All Posts in the left sidebar of your dashboard.

If you see a Trash interface at the top of the website, there is something here that you can delete. Snap-on the Trash connect, trailed by the Empty Trash button.

Delete pages in your refusal are equal. However, you have to go to Pages > All Pages in the sidebar.

Note: Before you delete anything permanently, make once and ensure you don’t need it. Whenever it’s deleted, it will be challenging to get it back.

So, if you have a continuous backup, you should have the option to reestablish it; however, why to experience the issue if you can check before you erase it.

Removing unused, old themes and plugins :

As we know now, keeping your plugins and themes updated is very significant. If you have themes and plugins introduced however not initiated on your site, there’s no reason NOT to dispose of them.

You need to delete them, and if you choose to use them later on, you can download them when required.

In addition to that, to erase the unused themes and plugins, you should similarly forgo using those who haven’t been updated lately.

Not exclusively would they be defenseless attacks; however, they may similarly be contradictory with more current WordPress centers?

You can see when a module was last refreshed by going to Plugins > Installed Plugins. At that point, click on the View Details interface under the plugin you’d prefer to check.

At that point, you can see when the module was last refreshed. Keep your site secure by deleting new themes and plugins and staying away from those who have not been restored as of late.

Cleaning up your media library :

It would help if you cleaned the Media library in the WordPress dashboard. And if your webpage has been online for some time, you likely have a relatively enormous measure of images in your media library.

Almost certainly, you’re not utilizing these pictures, and they’re merely occupying a room on your facilitating worker.

Notwithstanding eliminating unused media documents, you ought to guarantee that the pictures utilized on your site are entirely advanced.

After that, you can utilize one of the following plugins:

  • EWWW Image Optimizer
  • Smush Image Compression and Optimization
  • Compress JPEG & PNG images
  • io

Or an online tool BEFORE you upload your images:

  • org
  • TinyPNG
  • io
  • ResizeMyImg

Auditing your old content  :

In an extended period, blog posts you once uploaded may be updated to stay current.

While it tends to be a tedious undertaking, it’s justified, despite any trouble, to genuinely upgrade your old stuff and inhale new life into it. Updating the old blog entries in WordPress is the best way to audit the site content.

Here’s a plugin: Let’s say you composed an instructional exercise about utilizing a specific module, and it has been redesigned totally in the most recent rendition.

Experiencing your old post, you can refresh screen captures and add any information about new highlights.

While experiencing your old posts, you ought to think about the accompanying:

Know well, is it still accurate? Do images, text, and other sources need to be updated to reflect the current WordPress theme or plugin version?

How is it positioning? Is your performance admirable for catchphrases that you need it to rank for? If not, you should consider how you can improve it.

This could incorporate refreshing the page title and composing an additional convincing meta depiction and other things.

Are there new interior connections I could add? Since you composed that old blog entry, you’ve probably made a lot of new substances that would likewise offer your pursuers some incentive. Consider adding inside connections to those new posts any place they usually fit.

In case you’re showing the date in your meta depictions on Google, reconsidering an old post will show individuals that it’s been refreshed as of late. This has been demonstrated to prompt higher Click-Through Rates (CTR), as individuals need current data.


I hope all the earlier information encourages you to achieve the desired result by maintenance task performance. You have to perform these WordPress assignments regularly on your site.

Would hire a dedicated WordPress developer or WordPress Support and Maintenance Services to get all the required updates. Let us know if you want to know more or contact us and discuss your requirements.

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