Top 10 must-have PHP Frameworks for 2020


PHP, or hypertext preprocessor, is an open-source server-side scripting language. It’s very mainstream, as well — practically 80% of all sites were utilizing PHP as of October 2018.

Be that as it may, how would you know which PHP framework is right for you?

This post will list the 10 best PHP framework out there to enable you to pick. Not any more looking through logs – analyze and fix PHP blunders quicker for top PHP web application development.

Why use a PHP framework?

A PHP framework gives a fundamental structure to streamline the building of web applications. We as PHP web application development company India use them since they accelerate.

Most importantly, the responsiveness of sites and applications fabricated utilizing PHP structures assists organizations with satisfying their presentation needs. So there’s no uncertainty that PHP structures will keep picking up consideration and prevalence in 2020.

1. Supports CMS

Effective applications overall stages utilize the substance the executives’ framework for better detachment and introduction of computerized information PHP systems likewise bolster CMS, and it is really the language for the most part use for CMS advancement.

2. More prominent Database Diversity

Most PHP structures can be utilized with various databases. A portion of these systems uses object-social mapping to permit activities across various databases without the requirement for muddled SOL codes.

3. Speed

PHP systems furnish software engineers with instruments, highlights and code pieces that guarantee they speed web application advancement. Furthermore, site pages created utilizing these structures are responsive with quick stacking paces.

4. Improved Stability

PHP structures have been being used for various years now During this period, designers have found numerous bugs and have helped fix them all the while. This has expanded the solidness of PHP as a programming language.

5 .Cross-platform

Another significant angle about PHP is that it can work across various stages. This coding can be utilized on both site improvements just as in the portable application advancement. Actually, in the portable space, the versatile application engineer won’t need to stress over the Operating framework to be utilized.

The Top 10 PHP Frameworks

From the advantages talked about above, it is clear that PHP structures will keep on being the server-side programming language of decision all through 2019.

These structures, nonetheless, come in various sizes and shape. Your decision of PHP system will rely upon your degree of experience, improvement time period, and level of understanding among different components.

The rundown underneath features the best PHP structures to expect in 2019. Subsequent to perusing. I’m certain you will be agreeable enough to pick the best PHP system 2019 that best suits your needs.

1. Laravel :  This is one of the most famous open-source PHP systems, that was presented in 2011. Lavarel helps designers in building the most strong web applications by disentangling regular assignments like storing, security, directing, and validation.

Preferences of Lavarel

Lavarel has highlights that make it an extraordinary stage to create powerful applications with complex backend. It takes into consideration the customization of applications to meet the designer’s requirements.

-> These incorporate information relocation, security, and MVC design support. Lavarel additionally takes into account the improvement of rapid and exceptionally secure web applications.

-> Since security is a significant part of web application advancement, you ought to consider this stage for your applications.


Since it is a generally new stage, you ought to hope to encounter approximately hardly any bugs.

2. Symfony:-  The Symfony is among the most punctual PHP system, and it has been in presence since 2005. Because of the numerous long stretches of presence, Symfony has become a solid structure for creating web applications.

It is otherwise called a broad PHP MVC structure that adheres to all the PHP models. Symfony shares numerous comparative highlights with Lavarel making it hard to pick one over the other.

Advantages of Symphony

It is adaptable and can, subsequently, be coordinated with different undertakings including Drupal. You can subsequently effectively introduce it and use it on different stages

-> Symfony considers quick application advancement because of its reusable segments, a module framework, and it requires only a little memory space

-> It likewise takes into consideration interoperability. This empowers designers to utilize different programming building squares, for example, structures the executives and interpretation the board


Symfony is a stage made basically for cutting edge designers. Learners may think that its difficult to comprehend its security component.

3. Codelgniter:  Codelgniter is among the best PHP systems in 2019. The stage was first presented in 2006. Most designers incline toward CodeIgniter in light of the fact that it accompanies prebuilt modules which make coding more straightforward and application advancement quicker.

Points of interest of CodeIgniter

What makes Codelgniter fans most loved is its high speeds. A few designers believe it’s the quickest PHP structure accessible

  • It is the perfect system for amateurs since it accompanies a basic arrangement of libraries.
  • Having been around for over 12 years, it is steady and in this way encounters insignificant slacks.
  • Has a well-represented database making it very easy to use


  • The system comes up short on an inbuilt ORM
  • Codes are now and again hard to adjust
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4. CakePHP:  This is an open-source stage that was in 2005. CakePHP structure with expansible engineering to enable you to create basic yet appealing applications. Furthermore, it is CRUD (make, read, update, and erase) structure, and accordingly exceptionally simple system to learn.

Points of interest of CakePHP

This structure is anything but difficult to utilize and comprehend making it perfect for tenderfoots. It is a CRUD structure that takes into account the formation of independent libraries for simple learning. Also, it has convenient ad-libbed session the board to keep you refreshed on ay innovative changes

It gives extra security to your application because of highlights like cross-site demand falsification (CSRF) assurance, cross-site scripting (XSS) insurance, and info approval

5. Yii: The Yii backend advancement structure is a generally new programming system discharged in 2008. This structure is perfect for all sort of web applications.

Given that it is new to the business, it helps brings fuses new creation like sluggish stacking in the advancement of web applications. Current applications that utilization languid stacking strategy has quick stacking time.

Advantages of Yii

  • Interoperability with different structures like Zend
  • It is a lightweight structure with elite and extraordinary speed
  • Has security highlights like treat altering and SOL infusion to shield your web applications from potential assaults.

This settles on it an incredible decision for web-based business ventures and CMS gatherings.


You can’t make complex web applications with this framework.

6. Zend:  The Zend is an item situated structure. All things considered, it is extendable to enable designers to join functionalities that suit their activities. It likewise contains Zend parts to help make web applications with improved functionalities.

Advantages of Zend

  • It is network situated with an all-encompassing network base
  • Exceptionally adaptable with extra that enable designers to custom make applications that fit their needs.
  • There are additionally Zend parts to enable designers to pick their ideal segments to expand their application usefulness
  • Great speed and productivity
  • The library parts are lightweight with high usefulness

7. Phalcon: Phalcon is a full-stack web application fraework that was discharged in 2012. This system was composed utilizing C and Coo language. Most engineers lean toward this structure since it is a C-expansion and in this manner doesn’t expect one to learn C programming language before utilizing it.

Preferences of Phalcon

  • It is exceptionally simple to introduce and utilize
  • Has various helpful highlights including resource the executives, reserving and widespread autoloader
  • It is unbelievably quick because of the negligible utilization of memory space

8. FuelPHP:  The principal adaptation of FueIPHP was discharged in 2011. This system bolsters both MVC and HMVC engineering. This permits the applications to show more than one page at a go. It is said that this system is being refreshed with time and along these lines expected to see more enhancements in 2020.

Advantages of FuelPHP

  • Devours less memory
  • Has security highlights making it the best system for ventures that require most extreme security

9. Slim:  It is a standout amongst other PHP small scale systems in making APIs.

Advantages of Slim

  • It is perfect for tenderfoots as it is basically to learn
  • It likewise utilized for the most part for basic and easy to understand little web applications

10. PHPixie: This system is around 7 years of age and thusly new in the business. It utilizes HMVC engineering to empower make web applications with superior.

  • Focal points of PHPixie
  • It has autonomous segments
  • It is anything but difficult to utilize

Which PHP framework is right for your business app?

Utilizing PHP frameworks streamlines the overall development procedure, which limits the remaining task at hand. Every system has its very own qualities and shortcomings, and they all shift as far as network, documentation, and the database they support.

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