Which are the 6 key striking features of CodeIgniter framework for developers?


If as a developer, you are using CodeIgniter, you got amazed to realize that there are a few highlights that make this adaptable PHP structure the foundation of decision for web development. Know the first question that comes in mind is why PHP?

The appropriate response lies in the way that it is an open-source and available to get familiar with a language that accompanies different ground-breaking systems, for example, Codeigniter, Laravel, Symphony, and more.

It is one of the amazing PHP structures which have different select arrangements of highlights to compose the code without any preparation in the best way. Also, it just requires a straightforward toolbox to make propelled applications to tackle muddled issues.

For those designers who long for a more slender structure with enormous undocumented systems, Codeigniter is the best answer for their concern.

In the article session, we are going to see different powerful highlights controlled by the Codeigniter system, which the designers must know about with no reason.

1. Less fatty Server Requirements 

Do you realize that there are little server necessities for the given structure? No doubt that is valid! Additionally, the introduced system is equipped for working with a propelled rendition of PHP, for example, PHP4 and PHP5 as well. 

Plus, the given structure takes a shot at MVC design and in this manner can make an understood partition with the code to make it more clear. In this manner, the advancement and development of huge applications become simple for designers.

2. Codeigniter Permits Easier Tweaking of Database  

Is it accurate to say that you fear the best possible administration of your database? At that point, choose the Codeigniter system for custom web application development, which performs database extraction.   

It suggests that it is anything but difficult to embed, make, update, and erase coding explanations without working out crude SQL.  

Moreover, the given structure likewise allows changing your database to add or expel sections to evacuate old ones and make ready for new ones. Thus, the given system enables better use of the database to make an iterative application.

3. Codeigniter and Security are Inseparable 

The most essential component of the Codeigniter system is that it follows a few safety efforts to give a sheltered web application to the clients. There are different protections highlights for web app development accessible in the given structure and incorporates:

  • CSRF Protection
  • Approve Input Data
  • XSS Filtering
  • Secret word Handling

Moreover, the given system has a cross-site scripting channel that confines the passage of vindictive JavaScript into your information. Additionally, the given structure gives the best CSRF insurance, which gets activated consequently for each non-HTTP call.

Likewise, it additionally uses the Bcrypt calculation, which is a more grounded hashing calculation and accompanies a lot of secret word tying down highlights to keep any penetration from online web crashers.

4. Transfer of Data is Easy with no Fault

It is a repetitive errand to move information from a gadget that is changing starting with one innovation then onto the next. It accompanies high security-related dangers. You can even lose your important information.  

With the nearness of the most dependable PHP structure, your errand will turn out to be generally simple. It is on the grounds that the relocation of information from your current business web application to the given system is presently generally simple, with no loss of your significant information.  

So when you are in the method of changing the innovation of an application, and one next to the other need to verify your application; at that point contact a devoted Codeigniter app development company to get a decent outcome.

5. Includes Form Validation Capability

There is a novel piece of Codeigniter as it accompanies a structured approval that you can use to compose code in a solitary line with the assistance of its gainful framework.

With the nearness of such ability, the engineer produces errorless codes that guarantee different control structures lay inside the HTML structure.

Additionally, overseeing database outline refreshes starting with one server then onto the next are likewise bother free and effortless due to Codeigniter.

6. Significant Level of Efficiency is accomplished in light of Blade Template

There has been monstrous fame of the given structure among the worldwide engineers. The explanation is the nearness of the Blade layout motor, which has gotten noteworthy improvement in the given system.

The best piece of the given element is that it is extensible in nature and deny the utilization of any visual projection to make it best among every single other structure.

Likewise, it accompanies circles and restrictive explanations which make crafted by the engineer to remember HTML for coding without breaking a sweat.


Out of every one of these structures, Codeigniter has increased monstrous prevalence since it depends on MVC engineering. Furthermore, the application created in a given structure work successfully and quick because of the nearness of dynamic highlights.

From the given article, one could state that Codeigniter is certainly the best PHP programming language developers use over the universe. So in the event that you need your designers to make a one of a kind web application, at that point, it gets reasonable for them to follow these highlights and make their web application as the easiest to understand in the realm of web advancement.

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