An Effective Guide To Rank Your Business Website On Google in 2020


2020 is no far. Are you ready to beat the competition and make your website rank on Google?

In the quick-changing universe of SEO i.e., Search Engine Optimization, things are changing and one has to be updated. SEO is the process to rank your website first in search engine- Google that is for free (organic SEO). The fact is SEO is no rocket science,  it’s all based on constant work and experiences that keep changing by every passing day.

Google comes up every year with some changes and guidelines, a business needs to follow the same and continue the process of SEO and yes you can actually succeed. Here, you’ll figure out how to assemble SEO activities in the correct way to get quick results.

This is how you get the results on the search engine by inputting your query. The first three are the ads that are paid and then you can scroll to see organic results.

Let’s see the process of the website for Google ranking.

1. Website Audit: 

The initial step of your SEO campaign ought to be to review your site. SEO issues can represent the site’s presentation on Google and the impact of a business website. Web optimization review means checking the strength of a site and discover what fixes may be expected to improve the site execution.

You can hire dedicated SEO for the activity, who can get the things done on your behalf. SEMrush( is one of the best SEO tools in the market to do a website audit.

2. Content Issues :  

Yes, content that seems simple but plays a decisive role in your business. No matter the type of industry you are in, duplicate content is the worst thing you are going to pay for.

What is Duplicate Content in SEO?

Google doesn’t like content that is not original or say copied. It will not crawl your page or website at all. And shows the error of duplicate content. Duplicate content is a repeated content that Google finds on another website before yours.

If your website content is duplicate,  your business can suffer from keyword rankings and traffic losses and crawling issues.

How to fix duplicate content?

Get your website optimized and check each information written on website. Write unique content for your business that is informational rather than promotional that are indexed in Google.

3. SSL Certificate:  

We all are aware of the security aspects. If your website is unprofessional or a message “Not Secured” appears, it will definitely affect your website ranking. Your business website must be secured with HTTPS. Over time, these small factors help to rank your website on Google.

Google considers security factors as a top priority. SSL or HTTPS is another ranking factor that Google officially announced.

4. Website Loading Speed:

Google assists with one of the best tools (  to check website loading. Google’s tool basically scans your webpage’s code for loading issues like image size, optimization issue, errors, and more by showing you loading speed score in your device.

It also shows you the opportunities that can help to speed up a website/page load.

5. Website’s low-quality pages: 

Google gives first preference to high-quality pages on any website.

To check your website exists with a low-quality page or not, type “” in Google.

It will result in a number of pages Google has indexed from your website. We believe that more information on the website helps to win the chances of keywords ranking and ultimate the website. But, if the content or information on the website isn’t correct or relevant, compared to other content then it won’t rank as expected.

6. Mobile-Friendly Website:

We all have heard the word “mobile-friendly” numerous times. And, like you even I want to know more so I researched for making a website mobile-friendly. I came across two things:

  • Most of us use to Google search from mobile devices.
  • Google has now started using their Mobile-First Index Algorithm.

So, Google uses the mobile version of your site from mid-2018 for mobile and desktop searches.

How do you know your website is mobile-friendly?

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool, shows your website is optimized for mobile devices or not. Mine is mobile-friendly, what about you?


7. Competitor Analysis: 

In the event that you are not kidding about positioning your site in Google, contender examination is a must. If it’s you or me, all love to read content with facts and figures in the world of competition there may come some fack data. So, lots of multimedia is been attached as a proof and research studies. Also, multimedia helps readers to understand the content easily.

Here is the real procedure:

  • State your objective catchphrase is “content showcasing technique”.
  • Search with your primary keyword in Google.

8. Fix Website Broken Links: 

Broken links of your website are awful for the client experience. Along these lines, make a point to fix them more for ease of use issues versus SEO issues. Loads of dead connections can hurt your SEO ranking in the long-term. As individuals become disturbed to see 404 pages.

How to fix broken links on your site?

You can utilize Google Search Console to discover if your site has any messed up joins (404 blunders). On the off chance that your site has heaps of 404 pages, you should 301 divert them to firmly related pages. In the event that you have a WordPress site or blog, the procedure is simpler. You have to introduce a module called Redirection.

9. On-Page SEO: 

On-page SEO isn’t about simply embeddings many watchwords. Making powerful internet searcher well-disposed substance is significantly more than simply putting keywords on a page.

I’m going to tell you precisely the best way to enhance your substance in the correct manner. the title tag is the MOST significant on-page SEO factor. When all is said in done, on the off chance that you put the catchphrase toward the start of the title tag, the more weight it has with Google.

Include focused keywords:

Your keywords to show up in the initial 100 expressions of your article. While there is no rigid principle. Making an SEO well-disposed URL is a shrewd system. You should concentrate on the accompanying 2 variables:

  • Incorporate your objective catchphrase in URL: It will help Google and people to comprehend the point of your page effectively.
  • Make your URL short and straightforward: According to Google, they give more weight to the initial 3-5 words in a URL.

This basic thing can help Google to comprehend what your page is about.

10. Use Internal & Outbound Links: 

Interior helps ar ethe one that helps Google to discover and list the majority of the pages on your site. On the other way that you use them deliberately, interior connections can send page position to your most significant pages.

As per my advice, one should use relevant anchor text to include internal linking that exactly help to get it done. And avoid generic anchor text like “click here”. So, interconnecting the website pages is key for any site to get higher rankings in Google.

Keyword-rich anchor text helps Google to know the topic of the website page you are internally linking to.

Outbound links are the one to related pages that help Google make sense of your page’s point. In addition, these links are seen by Google and that peruser the website your page is a center point of valuable information.

Remember that the destinations you connection out to consider you. So make a point to connection out to a bunch of power destinations at whatever point conceivable.

Likewise, an outbound connection causes your peruser to comprehend the substance and the means effectively. I generally connection out to different sources where bode well.


I hope you like the steps as a guide and yes I have included some external link for more insight for your business to be first on Google. Remember, SEO or any digital marketing activity is not the overnight process. You have to do it continuously by following rules and guide as per Google events or the best way to contact some Top SEO Agency to get pre-defined outcomes.

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