10 Most Important SEO Techniques you need to Know

SEO is a major part of digital marketing to improve your business websites’ visibility across the globe. The top digital marketing companies highly focus on website SEO to reach your targeted audience.

91.5% of Google traffic continues to page one. Besides, 4.8% of traffic goes to page two. And beyond that, there are fewer chances of users visiting your site.

Search engine optimization is a key consideration to enhance the site’s presence and visibility for relevant searches. If your website doesn’t show up on the web, specially on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page, you need to focus on SEO, and a digital marketing company in India can help you identify what’s working.

In this article, we have covered all essential tips for SEO that will help improve your business’s web presence.

Make your business site most attractive and as a benchmark for search engines & users. Here are the top 10 SEO tips which are effective for your website ranking.

Additionally, Using Schema Markup is Cherry on the Top.

    Designate which Pages Google Bots can Ignore

According to the Founder of SEO Hacker, you have a short ‘crawl budget when indexing the pages on your site. The Google bots will not go to spend more time crawling every page on your site at once.

Thus, business needs to have some pages that want on SERPs. It will help create an image as pages with compelling content takes time to help generate leads. For example, the business about us page doesn’t need to be seen on the first page of Google, but what you offer is the essential thing users will focus on.

And, this will help you get more organic traffic.

  Perfect Your Content Creation Process

To get the SEO done right, the first thing is the content and your service or product information.

If you already have a great website, you need to regularly update your content as Google loves websites that update their content. If you have a blog section on the site, you need to add relevant and informative blogs regularly to ensure your website is running well and help improve the SEO of your website.

Create content that interests humans and inform them of something valuable. Google will prioritize your website if it contains original and relevant information for users. With the help of the best SEO service agency, you can make your website stand out, and with Content Services, search engine crawlers, such as the Google bots, and index your website well.

    Voice Search Optimization

We have witnessed the changing technology, and voice search is one of the most used searches by users for information online. It has hugely transformed the business, and companies are including voice search optimization in the website for profitable outcomes.

As per the study by dailogtech.com, 55% of households will have a smartphone by 2021-2022 in the United States.

So, if you are the to optimize for voice search, here are the steps:

  • Choose your keywords wisely.
  • Remember to create content based on user persona.
  • Add FAQs on web pages answering all user’s questions.

Forbes mentioned, voice search drastically changes the user experience and adding a personalized touch. Search engines such as Google is paying more attention to voice search and website with voice search optimized are getting noticed.

A best local SEO company is the ideal option to choose who will help with voice search optimization and enhance your presence on the web.

    Work on the Quality of Your Keywords

If you need to make a vast difference on search engines and make your business stand out, here are the questions you must know.

-> How strong are your keywords?

-> Are you targeting the right ones?

As per the SEO Experts, recognizing the right keywords is the most important thing.

To rank your website on the top, you need to watch your competitors on the SERP and understand the keywords. With eh help of Google Ads Keyword Planner, you can make a list of keywords you need to target for the broad match keyword variations.

    Mobile Optimization

To offer users a rich site experience, mobile optimization is a must. Your business website must confirm that your audience can find your website on mobile devices easily.

A mobile-friendly website certainly benefits site ranking as more and more users will visit your site first on mobile.

SEMRush proves that by “2025, nearly 73% of internet users will visiting your website on mobile devices”.

Have you noticed how crucial it is to have a mobile-friendly website?

We are opting more on mobile, so using Google’s free mobile-friendly test is most advisable.

    Featured Snippet

“It highlights these results in the first part of the search engine.”

Here’s how a featured snippet looks.

As per Ahrefs, almost 99% of web pages presented in the featured snippet rank first. 

Here are some of the primary ways to optimize featured snippets:

  1. Create your content in a structured way.
  2. Ensure your article answers relevant questions.
  3. Add eye-catchy images that are informative tooPrefer to generate answers with tables.
  4. Give dedicated headings that are subject-oriented and answer featured snippets, like “Is green tea healthy?”

Googles’ algorithm determines the best answer from a third-party website and helps you show it in the featured snippet.

    Optimize Title Tags

Either it’s a home page or a blog post, or a service page, Title tags have a huge impact influencing your SEO. IF you find some websites ranking high regularly, the title tag is presented in search results.

So, title tags must include long-tail keywords, a phrase that users ask. Relevant keyword phrases and specific to the topic of your content pay a noticeable impact that keeps your title tags attractive.

  • It should be 50-60 characters.
  • Include the relevant keyword.
  • It should be easy to understand.
  • Add keywords toward the front of your title tags.

  Add ALT Text to Your Images

This sounds so simple and easy but mark my words; ALT text in Images is important.

Adding alt text to your images increases the accessibility of your content. USers highly attract to visuals, and with images, those with vision impairments are going to land on your website. As Google can’t read or see the photos directly, adding keyword-based alt text supports Google “read” your images.

With over a decade of experience, a top SEO company India will help you enhance your SEO and increase chances to improve your business margin.

It highly impacts your SEO strategy and increases your website ranking chances. Your alt text should hold your targeted keywords and content that specifies the context and purpose of your service.

    Building Quality Links

Quality links from businesses and other high-domain sites help you reach a target audience. Building quality link is a non-negotiable aspect when a company wants to focus on a successful long-term SEO strategy;

In 2016, Google announced that building quality links are one of their prime 3 ranking flags. So, opting for a backlink to your content gives your website or product category pages ranking wings.

Here are the strategies SEO agencies use that will increase the number of links for your website:

  • Get backlinks from authoritative web pages.
  • Promote your quality content on social media.
  • Leverage social media platforms
  • Online forums are a great way to reach your target audience.
  • Give priority to guest blogging.

    Local Search Listings

If you are looking to get your business into that local search, go to the Google My Business page, where you need to create your business listing.

Local SEO highly converges on website optimizing that resemble SERPs for a specific location.

Google mentioned Local results are based on distance, relevance, and prominence. So, this will enhance your chances where Google find the best match for your search. For the same, you need to have accurate MAP details.

And, optimizing local SEO helps you increase website traffic and conversions to local audiences. It is an SEO strategy that helps in marketing your business for defined location-based customers.

Additionally, Using Schema Markup is Cherry on the Top.

Searchmetrics survey says, approx 36.6% of search keywords begin at least one featured snippet that originated from schema markup.

Schema markup is a meaningful and effective way to rank your web page on Google. It is microdata that joined to the website to help Google return relevant results on searchers. So, adding Schema is the essential factor to get top ranking on search engines.


Once you go through all of these tips, it’s time to improve your website and its presence on the internet. Let your users know who you create value for them.

Google’s come up with algorithms, and when it comes to SEO, it is an ongoing process to keep getting ahead and reshape the website with SEO techniques.

If you are looking to improve your web presence or need to develop an SEO-based website, the best SEO service agencies have experts who will help you. For further details, you can get in touch with our marketing expert.

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